Teachers Educational Backgrounds

All Bright Futures employees have been fingerprinted. Their abuse registry has been checked, their previous employment, and background has been checked.

Ms. Karen is the director of Bright Futures. She has over 24 years of experience in early education. She has a degree in nursing, a certificate in teaching, and a certificate in food management. She has also taken several business and early education courses and is continuing her education.

Ms. Charlotte is the primary teacher of our 26 months to 3 year old classroom. She has worked at Bright Futures for 7 years. She has previous experience with children and she continues to further her education.

Ms. Lois is the primary teacher of the Pre-K and preschool classrooms. She has worked at Bright Futures for 4 years. She has previous experience with Pre-K and preschool children. She has a degree and is continuing her education.

Ms. Carrie is the primary teacher of the second preschool classroom. She has worked at Bright Futures for 2 years. She has had previous experience with children and she is taking Early Education classes.

Ms. Megan is the primary teacher of the third preschool classroom. She has an Associates Degree in teaching and she continues to take classes.

Ms. Sherrie is an assistant teacher within Bright Futures. She has worked at Bright Futures for years in the past and present. She has an associates degree in teaching and she continues to take classes.

The following are substitutes with whom the children are familiar in case of an absence of a primary teacher:

Ms. Brenda has been employed at Bright Futures in the past and present. She has a lifetime of experience with children of all ages.

Ms. Sandra also has a lifetime of experience with children. She has an Associates Degree in Child Development (CDA). She also has experience with disabled children.

Ms. Katie recently joined our staff and will begin early education classes in the fall.